How Much Does It Cost to Make a Candle: A Comprehensive Guide

The cost of making a candle can range from $2 to $7, depending on the size and materials used. For example, a 4 oz candle can cost around $2, while a 16 oz candle can cost up to $7. The cost of materials such as wax, wicks, and fragrance oils can vary depending on the quality and quantity purchased.

It’s important to keep in mind that the cost of making a candle is just one aspect of a candle-making business. Other costs, such as packaging, labeling, and marketing, should also be considered. However, understanding the cost of making a candle is a crucial first step in determining pricing and profitability.

Calculating the Cost of Making Candles

Wax Melting Equipment

The first piece of equipment needed for candle making is wax melting equipment. This includes a double boiler or a wax melting pot. A double boiler is a pot within a pot, with the inner pot holding the wax and the outer pot filled with water, which is heated to melt the wax. 

A wax melting pot is a dedicated pot for melting wax, which is heated by an electric or gas burner. Both options are effective and affordable, with prices ranging from $70 or less for a double boiler setup to $200 or more for a wax melting pot.


A thermometer is essential for candle-making to ensure the wax is heated to the correct temperature. A glass thermometer is the most common option and can be purchased for under $10. A digital thermometer is also available and can provide more accurate readings, but it is more expensive.

Pouring Pitcher

A pouring pitcher is used to pour the melted wax into the container or mold. A metal pitcher with a spout is recommended for ease of pouring. Prices range from under $15 to over $30 depending on the size and quality of the pitcher.


The wick is part of the candle that burns and must be chosen based on the size of the candle made. Wicks can be purchased pre-tabbed or untabbed, with prices ranging from $5 to $10 for a pack of 50. It is important to choose a wick that is appropriate for the wax type and the size of the candle being made.

Cost of Wax

The cost of wax is one of the primary expenses in making candles. The price of wax varies depending on the type of wax you use. For example, soy wax is generally more expensive than paraffin wax. The amount of wax you need to make a candle also depends on your size. Generally, a pound of wax can make around 20 ounces of candles. So, if you make a 10-ounce candle, you will need half a pound of wax.

Cost of Fragrance and Color Additives

If you want to add fragrance or color to your candles, you must factor in the cost of these additives. The cost of fragrance oils and colorants varies depending on the supplier and the quality of the product. However, it is important to note that adding fragrance and color can significantly increase the cost of making a candle.

Cost of Container or Mold

The cost of the container or mold you use to make your candles is another expense to consider. If you make container candles, the cost can range from a few cents to several dollars. If you are making molded candles, you will need to factor in the cost of the mold. Therefore, choosing a container or mold appropriately for the size and type of candle you are making is important.

Other Costs

There may be other costs associated with making candles that you need to consider. For example, you may need a thermometer, a pouring pitcher, and other equipment. You may also need to factor in the cost of packaging materials if you plan to sell your candles.

Factors to Consider When Pricing Candles

Market Demand

Market demand is one of the most important factors to consider when pricing candles. The candle demand can vary depending on the season, occasion, and trends. For example, candles are popular during the holiday season, and scents like pumpkin spice and peppermint are in demand. When pricing candles, it’s important to research the current market demand for your product and adjust your prices accordingly.


Based on experience, another key factor to consider when pricing candles are your competition. Research other candle makers in your area or online and compare their prices and product offerings. If your candles are similar to your competitors, you may need to price your candles competitively. However, if your candles are unique or of higher quality, you can price them at a premium.

Profit Margin

Profit margin is the amount of profit you make, according to Business News Daily. When determining your profit margin, consider the cost of materials, labor, and overhead expenses. A good rule of thumb is to aim for a profit margin of at least 50%. However, this may vary depending on your business goals and target market.

Packaging and Labeling Costs

Packaging and labeling costs should be considered when pricing candles. The cost of packaging materials, such as boxes, bags, and labels, can add up quickly. When pricing your candles, factor in these costs to ensure you are making a profit. Consider using eco-friendly packaging materials or customizable labels to set your candles apart.